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At Amgen, our mission is to serve patients. We dedicate our days to turning the tide on serious, life-interrupting illnesses—pushing the boundaries of science to transform medicine and our focus on the treatment results.

Read more here about what motivates us: Amgen vision

Amgen Science

Some of the greatest advances in science are unfolding now inside Amgen. Find out how Amgen is elevating research and development to a whole new level.

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Vision Amgen SaudiArabia

Due to the growing demand and rising costs of healthcare, the question is whether our children and grandchildren will continue to have access to future innovative medicines and preventive therapies. A huge change is required to make healthcare sustainable for these generations. We want to commit ourselves to this and work together with our partners inside and outside the healthcare sector to create a better future.


Do you want to work with us?

Are you seeking a career where you can truly make a difference in the lives of others? Do you want to grow along with us? Then Amgen is the right place for you.

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Biotechnology at Amgen

Amgen was one of the first companies to discover the potential of modern biotechnology for developing high-value medicines for patients. Biologics, biologic medicines, have made a demonstrable difference in the lives of patients with serious illnesses.

Learn more about biotechnology